4 12 2015

When Paqui was faced with the challenge to prepare a speech about a song significant for her, immediately this song came to her mind, as it was the first English song that she has ever listened to. She owes this experience to a supply teacher of English, who came to substitute her usual English teacher. She was used to learning English by studying grammar and reading texts, so, when this new teacher turned up,  she discovered English could be learnt in a different way and she came across her first listening comprehension through a song. It was so different and inspiring that she will never be able to forget that amazing experience…. As she said, she felt like a dog with two tails and she wishes she had met this wonderful teacher before!!!! It is so true that teachers play such an important part in education, isn´t it????


4 12 2015

This song, picked out by Noelia, makes reference to a film called “Unbroken”, which tells the story of an athlete, who survived from a plane crash, but became a prisoner. What she really wanted us to realize is that, like this character,  we need to be brave, to grit our teeth, to face up to our problems, to keep on being cheerful despite difficulties  and to take the bull by the horns, and why not, to look forward to some miracle taking place. Therefore, don´t forget to look always on the bright side of life!!!


3 12 2015

Robert shared with us some interesting facts that are happening in his life at the moment: did you know he is about to be a father? As you can imagine, he is really excited and thrilled about it, and we are all sure he will be a great father!!! Anyway, he explained to us how he had always been really fond of music but without paying attention to the lyrics of the songs, especially as regards English songs. However, the moment he listened to this song, he felt fascinated about it and he started to really appreciate its lyrics. He told us he wished he had focused on the lyrics of songs before. If he had done it, he woud have understood what a wonderful world he was missing! But, as it is said, better late than never!!! Keep on enjoying songs, and life and everything!!!!


3 12 2015

I totally agree with Lucía when she said that this song is like a hymn that makes you live your life to your fullest. It is a song that invites you to enjoy every single moment of your life (carpe diem!!). Lucía explained to us how this has been her philosophy of life for a long time. Besides, she filled us in on her rebelliousness not to go with the flow, but to be brave and take the bull by the horns, however always going with her gut feeling. She has been led to think like that by many events in her life, like, for example, a friend of hers committing suicide, which must have been really hard, but from which she has certainly learnt a lot. Lucía, keep on thinking so positively about life and I hope this can be really contagious and everybody can always find a smile no matter what!!!!


1 12 2015

Macarena owes listening to English songs to her brother, who made her discover how wonderful English music could be.  And this wouldn´t have been possible if it hadn´t been for this song.  Since she listened to this song, she has got used to enjoying English songs.  Anyway, this song is so special for her because of the message conveyed by it: the show must go on despite any difficulties you may find in your way. In fact, Macarena let us know that when Queen was filming the video for this song, Freddie Mercury was about to die, which really showed the message of the song itself. How interesting, isn´t it?


1 12 2015

This song, chosen by Teresa, is one of her favourite ones, since it helped her to take a big decision when she was really in two minds about what to do. What she did is to use one of the methods I’m quit used to: making a list of pros and cons for each of the options she was taking into account, which made her see crystal clear what the best decision was. We are glad you made up your mind in the end! All of you, enjoy this wonderful song!!!!


27 11 2015

Pepe has been the first to do a song in the CAL class. As you know, all of my CAL students (even teachers) preferred to do the songs’ presentations instead of teaching presentations of their subjects. Anyway, Pepe has chosen this “magnificent” song, which had a clear significance to our current events in relation to the Islamic world.

Well, Pepe made us pay attention to the video, which was amazing, uncovering a whole city in Morocco which had been covered by a kind of veil. Besides, Pepe filled us in on a bit about his life, his friends and his interest in travelling and, in particular, in the Arabic culture.

Thanks, Pepe, for having shared such a wonderful song and amazing video with us!!!!



26 11 2015

You may wonder why Javier has decided to pick out this song. Well, those who already know him must be aware of his passsion for kitesurfing. Therefore, one day he made up his mind to take part in a competition. He was sailing really well helped by the wind, when,out of the blue, the wind stopped and he got stuck in the middle of the ocean for some hours. You can imagine what a mixture of feelings he was going through: he must have felt really like a mess, mustn’t he?

Fortunately, everything turned out well in the end!


24 11 2015


This is the song with which Paula has broken the ice. She has chosen this song as it seems to be one of her favourite ones. She has declared that despite not considering herself a true romantic but rather the opposite,she loves this song and cannot stop listening to it once and again. To her mind, the song deals with love in a general sense, which is why she is kind of obsessed with it. Finally, she really recommends this song to everybody. She hopes you will all enjoy it as much as she does!