31 10 2014

Do you think it is a good idea to try something new for 30 days? I do, and so does Matt Cutts. We watched this video in class and saw the benefits of it.

It came with a listening comprehension: in case you want to redo it again or in case you couldn´t come to class, watch it and do this listening comprehension: VIDEO COMPREHENSION MATT CUTTS

And remember you need to try to do something new for 30 days!!!! And tell me about your experience!!!!


17 10 2014

While writing, I have realized some of you don´t really know when to start a paragraph and when to finish it.

Did you know that a paragraph is like a hamburger???? Yes, really!!!! Look at this:

In case you may still have doubts about this, look at this other video:

Is it now clear how to write a paragraph????
Now remember to include different paragraphs in your essay, story or composition!!!!


17 10 2014

Do you think that personality could be related to the star sign you have? In this video we watched, and which I forgot to post, they actually think so!!! Let`s have a watch at it again if you feel like it:


10 10 2014

As you may well remember, it all started with speed dating, then moving on to “speed friending” (if they can invent terms, why can’t I?), speed flatmating and, now, finally, speed shrinking. We watched a video about the founder of this idea, Susan Shapiro, and we did a comprehension about it. There it goes the video:

And I also found this article from the Independent “Can speed shrinking fix your head in 180 minutes?”!!Read this article and find it out!!!!

Remember we will be doing speed shrinking next week in class!!!




10 10 2014

  Do you remember speed dating? Trying to find a date by meeting  different people in a little time (just 4 minutes!!!!)

So, what happens if we apply the same principle to finding the perfect flatmate???? Let’s have a look at the following video with some compehension questions that go with it:

The video  

The worksheet with the comprehension questions: VIDEO COMPREHENSION ADVANCED 1 speed flatmating

And an extra video to deepen into this new trend for people renting property:

What do you think about it???? Would you go for it????


30 09 2014

This is the timetable to attend conversation class with our language assistant, Anna Morales. I think the times will all suit you, I mean, you can all make it as you don´t have class at the same time. Remember that she will only be staying for the first term, so profit the occasion and go to see her!!!! HORARIO ana morales

26 09 2014

We started by getting to know each other… and one thing led to another one…so, in the end, we finished talking about “SPEED DATING”, even rehearsing something similar (“SPEED FRIENDING”) in class.

We also watched some videos about this topic, which came with some worksheets.

I am including them here in case you couldn´t come or in case you want to rewatch them again.

First, the one that explains the main ideas of a speed dating event:

Secondly, good tips or interesting pieces of advice to follow if you want to go speed dating:

Finally, remember that both videos came with some worksheets of comprehension:




25 09 2014

This is the video we watched in class the other day in which a teenage girl asks and answers 50 questions in just 3 minutes!!!

It was our first listening, and you were so surprised by it!!!!

There it goes!!!! I hope you liked it and that you’ll enjoy it again!!!!!


29 09 2011

  Do you remember speed dating? Trying to find a date by meeting  different people in a little time (just 4 minutes!!!!)

So, what happens if we apply the same principle to finding the perfect flatmate???? Let’s have a look at the following video with some compehension questions that go with it:

The video  

The worksheet with the comprehension questions: VIDEO COMPREHENSION ADVANCED 1 speed flatmating

And an extra video to deepen into this new trend for people renting property:

What do you think about it???? Would you go for it????