11 04 2016

First of all, Ana Angels confessed to us that picking out this song was a difficult choice, due to the fact that she’s a lover of music, and she’s used to feeling identified with lots of songs, but that with this song her purpose was to give off optimistic feelings to all her partners.

She filled us in on the group singing this song, telling us that in a certain way she feels she has grown up with them, becoming an adult.

Her relevant memory linked with this song was a trip to Madrid. It came to her mind the moment she was given a huge surprise by her husband, who bought her the tickets for the concert, which was a dream come true.

However, to tell the truth, in those days they were going through hard circumstances, being unemployed , with an uncertain situation at work, but looking forward to having a baby. And out of the blue, while they were driving, she received a phone call, offering her a summer job, which for her was an incredible sign that everything was going to change and was going to be good.

The concert was totally awesome, the scenery lightened, the magic atmosphere, the sound jaw dropping. She told us that if we had been there, we would have felt astonished. Suddenly,  that song sounded, the lyrics ringing her a bell, saying “take things easy, everything will be better”.

Now, looking back and seeing facts from distance, she can tell us that they have overcome all their struggles, together, talking heart to heart with love.

To finish, she let us know how she wished she could have transmitted to us a positive way to face difficulties, since, as the song says “you are not alone, your love can move a mountain, just believe in you” and remember, “because we can”. Thanks, Ana Angels, for filling us up with optimism!!!!



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